March 30, 2006

stupid americans banned Rammstein's mann gegen man from TV... violence is okay, but nude men are not. video is viewable here

i've been thinking about this photo homage to Type O Negative for a few years now. i'm finally getting around to it and went looking for the original source of inspiration on the internet. it was on the back of the TON t-shirt and i couldn't find it for the life of me. i've seen many of those shirts, u'd think someone would at least mention it on the internet? i was starting to wonder if i hallucinated it all but then
found it on eBay. JUST SAY YES. i have taken 3 our of the 4 photos now. u'd think i'd have better things to do than take pro-suicide photos. i don't think of it as a pro-suicide thing, but it's just TON humor; "suicide is self expression..."

i took some other photos tonight
(the fabric is the top seen in the prev entry)


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