April 25, 2006

i got this mail (i'm a member of Hospitality Club, a site through which travellers meet)

Hi suzi9mm,
the user ******* sent you this message from the site of The Hospitality Club:
oh god, u are an idol for me!
as u can see in my prof.. ;)
d´ya think it would be possible to meet? Ü

wtf. her userpic on the site is my photo. "sure, do you want my autograph?". ehm.

today is possibly even worse then yesterday. i'm so numb, and when i'm not numb i'm upset or annoyed or just sad.

the mail brought me the latest issue of Dark Obsession today. my interview was on it. didn't really get the chance to read through all of it yet but i assume they translated the interview word for word.

that's me and Sebastian sitting in the downstairs hallway of my building around midnight tonight. in the pitch black, the flash doesn't really give an honest view. it was like being 15, sitting in corridors for no better place to go to, just talking about stuff, not in a hurry.

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