April 12, 2006

on monday i stayed up so late (early) and i knew i had to get up in a few hours and decided to make it easier on myself by putting my clothes on before going to bed. it's not really about saving time, since putting my clothes on takes me the same amount of time both in the evening and morning (about 4:57), but it saves me from a lot of pain because when you feel horrible in the morning it just makes it all the worse to dress up etc. crap... it's painful to wake up anyway, it's easier if u just have to get up and go. usually i save time the same way by doing my make up, especially if i only have a couple hours to sleep and i need an especially good make up. in the midst of my morning hell doing make up is not exactly pleasant and as i said, it's nice to just get up and be ready to go. now, is it comfortable sleeping your clothes on? i'd say it's worth the variation. i think it's occasionally nice to sleep clothed just for the sake of variation. it's also why i miss sleeping on Kev's couch. i don't have a couch or anything else to sleep in but bed, it gets dull u know.

right now my options are; to go to bed and to work with dirty hair. the 2nd option is to just wash the front as it has a 'clean' and refreshing effect. and the 3rd option is to just go wash my hair, which will delay my bed time with about an hour. i'm going to be so fucked tomorrow i'll have to skip my boxing practise. i'm going to feel really bad about it, so i think i might as well feel bad with a clean hair rather than with dirty hair, it makes a difference! :)

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