it's weird to be up at this hour (noon) on a day off. my meds wake me up after 6-8 hours of sleep and i don't feel like sleeping all day as i used to. odd feeling but cool, i finally get some stuff done and don't feel exhausted.
i'm trying to solve whether the siberia trip is happening since James decided to cancel. if me and Tiitta loose the ~2000euros per person that we've invested into this thanks to his priorities i will be fairly upset to put it lightly. i called vodkatrain and they're looking into it right now.
my plan was to have a pedicure before the trip so i booked a time for that for wednesday. i got a gift certificate for christmas, for a beauty parlour, and decided to invest it into this. i'm not really into facials or other stuff. besides a pedicure once, i never visited a cosmetologist, and not just because i am one. i just don't feel like i need it. but to get my little toes in shape as i'm about to sit in the train for 2 weeks....sounds like a plan! :) i need fix my nails too.
i have sourcream+onion chips and Lindt hazelnuts chocolate here. the thought of actually preparing real food for as long as these supplies last is not tempting.
on my way back from Spain i bought a new day cream and i went for Lancôme, makes me feel middle-aged. i used Dior before but that was okay, i used to sell Dior and all, Lancôme however seems really old fashioned to me. and i had to get it now as i was all out of creams. Dior had a cream that seemed okay but the jar was weird with only a very small opening at the top, and i don't want to stick my long nails through something that looks like a hole... Clinique has a decent brand image but i have a thing about my creams habing to smell good and Clinique is 100% fragrance free etc... which means the cream smells like a cream. Shiseido is kind of okay but i never *really* grasped their image, like what makes it so prestige to cost *that* much, so they don't convince me enough to buy their stuff. then there's Clarins that just comes off as cheap and nonsense to me, and Estee Lauder that really is way too middle aged for me. i used their stuff when i sold it and there was nothing wrong with it but the frangrances and design is middle aged and doesn't appeal to me, they target a totally different market with that image and price range and it seems american and upper-class which is a huge turn off for me. then there's Chanel which i do like altho i'm not their target market either, but the selection in the store was poor plus i've tried almost everything of theirs already and i wanted something new. and i admit that the one cream they do have that might appeal to me is almost twice as expensive compared to anything else i considered (~70e) and i was feeling a bit cheap. Guerlain is way out there, i think they targer a certain type of customer who has way too much money in their hands and want everything to glitter and glow, and is preferrable 60 or older. their products are good actually, especially lipsticks and i used a jar of their daycream too in the past, but i can't really support a brand like that when it comes to my daycream right now. Biotherm is a little too 'pharmacy-like' for me, fragrance free a lot of the time and the visual look is just too...white and clinical. Clinique used to be similar but then they differentiared a bit and modernized their look. obviously, Biotherm is just wanting to stand out as well, which it does, and i'm certain it appeals to a lot of people but i prefer something a little more expensive and feminine looking and feeling. YSL is almost there with Guerlain, altho they have some really special products that i use, some hydrating fluids etc., and i used a huge 200ml day cream of theirs sevaral years ago, and it was fine, but again it's not something i'd invest into right now. brand wise, i prefer Dior and Chanel when it comes to basic skin products, but this time it just didn't work out and i went for Lancôme and it will take me a while to come in terms with this decision. i don't regret, but it takes a little adjustment and good inner research to understand my real self at this point of my life.
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