February 03, 2007

we went to see the Departed. it was okay, but i'd seen the original asian vesion so the plot wasn't surprising for the most part.

whats cool is him and i have very similar memories and experiences of pop culture. he is a bit older than me, but we have been watching the same tv series, the same movies, been listening to the same hit songs on the radio... "do you remember that tv series around 1991 called 'she wolf of London or something?" "yes, her name was Randi." i mean it makes sense to have some common experiences but its like we've seen and heard all the same things. its fun, he always knows what and who i'm talking about.

work has been shit today, we had some problems with the service and it really showed. my stepsister is coming over to visit me starting monday. i feel a bit weird about that, we're not that close. i like her though, obviously.

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