July 16, 2009

not dead yet

i met with miss R yesterday. we went for a walk around the bay and then dropped in a bar for one. its been a while since 'one' turned into so many. but we had a good time, so all good.

i just did some work today and have been watching Big Bang Theory, CSI and earlier, Little Britain USA. BBT has got the genius guys, especially Sheldon, and CSI, ah...my old flame. i cant praise the series but boy did i ever get hooked on it...o_O

i didnt know Laurence Fishburne went to star in CSI? what i dont appreciate is the series depicting some "ultimate force fighter" as full on psycho, and the crowd seems pretty stupid too. there are psychos everywhere, but of course this random example gives an idea to people...

homotography - nice looking guys

some emotional stuff gong on too. i still have a life! (and a heart, apparently)

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