July 30, 2019

still summer in the UK

ok so while im trying to stay away from too much windowshopping for our possible future home until it's more certain, i do know a few things: we will get an Assa Abloy lock on the door and a door chain (miss that from Finland and Turkey) and maybe a security alarm system of some sort as well. just cos im paranoid like that.

i met Jessica tonight over a takeout dinner cos i was waiting for a Tesco delivery. tomorrow i should finish work early and go to the train station to spend an hour or 2 quality time with VV & his partner, they are on their way from Edinburgh to Europe with a stopover in London. thursday we are meeting Serdar, one of (the many) turkish doctors making their way to UK. he's now at PLAB2 exam stage so pretty far in the process. just want to have a chat, support, that kind of stuff. reminds me that facebook group is going strong (3800+)  and i believe this year NHS is gaining up to 20-40 Turkish doctors in their registry. being just a small part of that is an honour. later in the week i should meet Jessica & Niina and and then have a picnic with Avner & Elmor (doctor included) on saturday. 

my new puzzles (waiting in line). got the yellow-orange one from Evelina, a finnish friend here in London, we did an exchange. the artsy one is a stretch but the current puzzle im working is killing me so i throuht i'd try something.. different. 

i came across this;

im glad there are environmentalists like her. that out of the way, very nice of her to show an example and not fly... since she can afford that timewise and financially. whether a work conference or holiday, the average joe cannot cross the atlantic on a sailing yacht...  and i suppose thats not the message anyway, that we all should, she is just using means that are avaikable to her. i wonder with racing yachts being such specialised 'machines' and the amount of work that goes on to setting up a trip like that, how much more environmental it is than flying. im sure it is, just curious by how much. but i guess when counting environmntal costs it's mainly about the emissions caused by the actual travel, not including building the place or the train or stuff like that. well, f*ck do i know. well, now we just need 7 billion more greta's on the planet and everything transported by solar panel yachts and that would be 2% of all human-induced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions gone!(source: atag.org)  not sure how likely i see that. what i think should be done is taxing flying more (via CO2 tax or whatever), and for consumers to have to pay a special emission tax on their ticket. the first one would hopefully hurt non-travel aviation as well, such as companies transporting things etc. and the 2nd obviously stings both business and leisure travelers. flights to Mallorca perhaps SHOULDN'T be 10 euros? its ridiculous to offer people free plastic bags or 10 euro flights and then tell us we really shouldnt use them. neither is a human right...  i think guilt tripping consumers extensively is not really fair in general, the push should come from above, via governments and companies - they make the big decisions that really change the game. if flights were more expensive, it would naturally push people to consider other means of travel OR stay home entirely. banning plastic bags, forcing recycling... that sort of thing i believe works. also if Asia is not accepting west's trash anymore im really pleased because that motivates our governments to make these decisions. although im pretty sure China alone already produces the same amount of anything in comparison to Europe, if not double. we are so woke to not use plastic bags but then order cheap crap from China and India... oh god i get depressed thinking of this, i should stop.

on the trip to Italy one of the best moments was at the beach in Maiori, reading Leonardo Cohen’s biography (by Sylvie Simmons). it really sucked me in and got me thoughtful about the life there and art and artist lifestyle and how the society was back then. at the same time, "summer of ove" and all that free love on a Greek island but also... it was still very patriarchal. birth control was on women, as was the rest of it... im struggling between how much of a "gentleman" was Leonard, and how much of a ass...    there was also a lovely chill terrace/balcony at a b&b in Naples and reading and hanging out there was wonderful as well. like a peaceful lagoon. surrounded by high although misfortunate buildings.
me with my book at the terrace

a foot pedal for water....really? actually, common in italy. i didnt bother googling why. 


a funny cute movie museum in Genoa

Italy every day. 


so many churches. so many... 

weird but cute mail boxes? 

cafe by the sea
this was indeed a very good trip and largely cos me and doctor worked together so well, avoided the typical missteps and problems and shared the responsibility and challenges.

my new phone cover. one of them. i got a few, just 1 GBP ones cos i couldnt pick.

movie trailers
A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - i dunno about these characters and how truthful the adaptation is but it seems like a feelgood film
The Game Changers - interesting docu about pro athletes going vegetarian (or something)
3 From Hell - another one from Rob Zombie. to be honest not sure how likely it is i'll watch this but it seems like it is very visually cool, well done and 'edgy'
Top Gun: Maverick - Maverick is back lol. i went to see the original at 11 or 12 yrs old so i feel a connection, i feel like i should see this just for the sake of it.

its interesting 90 day fiance did a spin off "The Other Way", about american who are moving abroad for a fiance. i welcome the turned tables, hopefully its gonna be a little less stereotyping, a little less "america is the best"...  must say Paul's mom is the most reasonable sensible character on the show ever. and Paul himself... the opposite.

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