June 17, 2006

in the bookstore i was reminded of how many books i've read back in the day. made me feel good as i'm such a bad reader these days. i ended up buying 4 books which may be a little too much to fit in my backpack. and my bookshelf is full of books i haven't read... anyway here they are

Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina a russian classic, just as i wanted. eh. it's fuckin huge and scary. i wonder if i can push my way through it :( it better be pretty fuckin good!
Paulo Coelho: Alchemist i think this will piss me off. Coelho's other book was way too positive and i think they all are, that would explain why he's so fuckin popular. it's a small book, i can read it fast and then throw it out of the train window.

Ariel Levy: Female Chauvinist Pigs this might piss me off too, either that or it could be a real eye opener. either way i get a new view on feminism once again.

Truman Capote: In Cold Blood once i picked this in my hand i knew it perfected my travel reading set, it was the missing piece. reality based (i'm a fan of reality rather than fiction) and with blood & death. as cliché as is sounds; that is my thing.

shit, i could be doing a lot of things, but i'm just writing a fuckin blog to exhibit my pathetic life. Kev said "that's what blogs are for". good point. and really, so what. i have to do something with this life.

oh i just remembered i was supposed to take one issue of Adbusters with me as well.

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