April 04, 2007

a customer calls. he's called half an hour earlier and a co-worker booked him a time for a maintenance cal, his internet does not work. so he calls and i get it, he asks me if i see the internet connection situation now. i see it and i see it still ain't working. an from there on he whines and complaints, probably about the same things he did when he called earlier. and later i asked my co-worker and indeed he did. he had a theoryas to why the connection doesn't work, apparently we've ran out of capacity... he had a lot of theories in general... anyway i then ask him what's up, cos he already has a maintenance call booked... but since he's so certain the problem is elsewhere, maybe he wants it CANCELLED then?? "...err...noo, not yet, i will have to look at some things back here before i cance... but [and then he goes on whining again]" so wtf... he just called to whine and complain some more. fuckin idiot. finally i got rid of him.

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