October 22, 2011

jenni's driving school exam

i had the driving school's written exam today. its organized much like other exams in turkey, with a paper with me, i went to the designated school/college, where the exam was held. the driving school had organized a(n expensive)  translator for me, she is teaching english translation at the university in Istanbul. we were put alone in a class room, where someone would occasionally come and look at us for 30 seconds...    sooo.. hmmm. i could've taken the papers from my handbag and check stuff, but i didn't.

the classroom

the written exam is made of 3 parts; first aid (30 questions), traffic (50) and motor & other functions of the car (40). one needs to get about 70% correct to pass.

the school had given me some old exams to study, as the same questions apparently rotate over and over again. that was partly true, but also not completely.

my translator was lacking especially the technical terminology of the car, so towards the end as time was running out it got quite stressful. i had only studied a couple hours with doctor, mainly looking at the old exams and him explaining to me the parts of the engine etc. doctor saw the trouble of translating all those words, but nevertheless this whole process was quite a mess. luckily i recognized a lot of the turkish words in the exam so i could answer them even when the translator wasn't able to translate. diferansiyel, mars motoru, akü, su pompasi, buji, distribütör, volan vites kutusu....

first aid i think went well, i didn't really study it, common sense goes pretty far there. my general knowledge of traffic is pretty good but then again...i am missing some basics i guess - i didn't know what C-license is good for, for example :D  also there was a very familiar traffic sign, shown in a picture, and i couldn't decide what it meant. my translator also didn't have a license...so, i was a bit out of luck today. since i had mostly studied the engine-stuff, i think that part went ok. i made some bad choices about suggesting to put antifreeze in the car battery...  but it just sounded right!

my memories of the exam:


i think this part went quite well and i chose more less the right answers.

if the car horn works but engine doesn't start, where is the problem most likely?
-connection of the start motor

if the tyres are unbalanced, it causes what?
-shaky feel in the steering wheel (other options included something about radiator, carborator and stuff)

if the tyres are too empty, what does it cause?
-increased oil consumption (other options included at least radiator getting stuck)

which of the following is not related to to the motor/engine system?

which part mixes the air and fuel?
-carburetor (or injectors, sparking plugs, air filter)

if the air filter is dirty, what does it cause?
-more oil consumption

what is the function of the start motor?
-give the car initial power (other options included make the vehicle move, keep the car running stable...)

which of the following types of car uses sparking plugs?
- petrol (or diesel, or something else)

which part of the car makes sparks?
-spark plugs

which part of the car is part of the exhaustion system?
-exhaust manifold

which part of the car creates electricity?

what is underneath the engine, covering it from the bottom?
-oil tank

if there is oil in the radiator and water in the cylinder, what is broken?
-cylinder head (or something like that, i chose the item closest to the cylinder top)

what does the clutch do?
-connect and disconnect gear box and motor

what is the function of the oil in the motor?
-to help avoid abrasion

what causes the motor to overheat?
-driving on the wrong gears

 there was also a question about the car's front panel, and which of the following signs means that there is a problem with the car battery charge or something.

if this sign is blue, what does it mean? i chose high beams are on.


regarding first aid, i recall first thinking that its quite nice to teach some of these things besides driving, but 30 questions out of 120 is a bit much...  and they are such as
"what is the definition of a broken ankle?"
"if you give first aid to a baby, how many times should you make the vhest compressions in a minute?"

in today's exam, there were questions about CPR, but some more "interesting" ones as well. i don't remember  what i suggested in the following

"if a person is freezing, what should you do as first aid?"
a)put them in warm water and then in hot water
b)have them sit next to a fireplace/heater
c)massage the frozen body parts
d)cover them with electrical blanket

however for someone with broken chest bones, i suggested that they are moved laying on their back. the options were on the side, face down or sitting. in an old exam the correct answer was marked as "on the side", which accroding to doctor is wrong. so i was puzzled.

the definition of 3rd degree burns was also asked for. from the following options
a) dry skin
b) nerves showing
c) veins showing
d) red, tight skin

i chose the one in which veins are showing, but doctor said that it could be either b or c, as they are similar. so the answer options were not very good....

"if a person is bleeding from the nose and ears, feeling sick and their pupils are dilated, which part of their body is injured?"
a) lungs
b) spleen
c) brain
d) legs

"if someone is in a shock, why should you put their feet up?"
i chose "to get blood in the brain".

"in which system of the body does the oxygen from outside and the carbon dioxide in the body mix?"
a) nervous system
b) breathing system
c) digestive system
d) skeletal system

"which one of the following is located in the chest?"
a) stomach
b) kidney
c) heart
d) throat

"if you have been burnt in the sun, and have fever, in which organ have the cells been damaged?"
a) lungs
b) kidney
c) heart
d) brain

"if you are not sure if a baby is conscious, where should you tap them?"
a) shoulder
b) back
c) sole of the foot
d) stomach

"if you have bleeding, normally you compress that spot to stop the bleeding. however which of the following is an exception?"
a) when the thigh is bleeding
b) when the blood is very dark
c) when it's a main vein
d) when the bone is broken where the bleeding is

also there was a question about what kind of injured people should be moved on a stretcher...  i chose "all".  and then a question about who should be taken to hospital first - there was a broken leg, 1st degree burn and something else and i chose the one who has trouble breathing.


i didn't know how often a 3 year old car should be taken to maintenance (every 1, 2, 3 or 4 years) :( 

"which one of the following will make you loose your driving license?"
a) too many people in the car
b) car is overloaded
c) driving while high
d) not having a financial insurance on the car

"what should you do on an icy road?"
a) speed up
b) step on the break quickly
c) make quick turns
d) slow down

"reflector, first air kit and fire extinguisher - in which of the following vehicles are these not compulsory?"
a) bus
b) car
c) tractor
d) truck

"you are in traffic lights. when can you drive?"
a) red light
b) red and orange light
c) green lights
d) orange light

"you are driving on a road (outside the city) and there are no traffic signs, how fast you normally go?"
a) 90
b) 100
c) 110
d) 120

i didn't know this...i think i put 100.

"there is a bus stop sign. how many meters of space you need to leave before it to park?"
a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 20

i guessed right, 15 :)

"1.bumbing into rear,
2. driving through red lights,
3. not following traffis rules in roundabouts,
which kind of accidents make up most of the accidents in traffic?"
a)  1 & 2
b) 2 & 3
c) 1 &  3
d) 1 &  2 &  3

i didn't know this, so i guessed 1 & 2

"which of the following is a driver related cause of accident?"
-driver is tired and sleepy (options included bad road, passengers etc)

"which of the following is forbidden if you are part of a deadly accident?"
-moving your car

i also didn't know the rule about when you pass a car, when can you turn in front of them again...

"how does alcohol affect a person?"
a) they are normal
b) their reflexes are slower
c) they move and react fast
d) they react faster

"there is a pedestrian crossing the street, and they have a white cane and a yellow armband with three black dots. what should you do?"
a) honk your horn
b) try to pass as fast as possible
c) warn other drivers about them
d) stop and if necessary, go help the person across the street

the exam had about 7 traffic sign related questions. they didn't go exactly well. maybe i should have studied them a little.

there was a question about which of the 4 signs means there is a problem with the road bank.

in was traffic picture i wasn't quite sure what the car should do upon seeing this sign...  i think i chose the classic "slow down and look both ways"

in this picture, the question was, if the car wants to turn left in the roundabout, which lane they should pick. im guessing 1.

there was a question asking; which of the following signs means you can only go forward and left. hmmmmmm.

i didn't know what one should do when this guy is standing on the road :(

and i didn't recognize these signs in the middle...  train crossing?? wtf??

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