January 15, 2014

where did i put my passport again

Girls is back for its 3rd season. i was reading some article the other day about Girls vs Sex and the City. while i enjoyed watching Sex and the City sometimes, Girls is clearly more my thing. altho not perfect. thats odd, perhaps, considering im now the age that those ladies in Sex and the City were, and back when Sex and the City was on, i was the age of these girls on Girls. the 2nd season ended with weird drama, and now im worried 3rd season will continue where 2nd left off...    uff, 8 minutes on and im a bit worried. long "cool, insightful" monologues...DRAMA....  err. but its still more "me" than Sex&City ever was.

my knee is seriously hurting these past few days, almost a week. some kind of inflammation i assume, but i am going to Malta on Thursday so i better suck it up with painkillers until i come back, and then i guess if its not better i need an MRI scan. thats what doctor says. and i agree, wtf, this is not normal...

i feel ba for not writing much lately. for whatever i dont write down, i prolly wont remember. if something big happened, sure, but the small stuff...  my memory is just one big black hole...   anyway off to sleep, gotta catch an early flight to Malta...

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