March 22, 2020

London is closing slowly

im surprised the view from our window still *almost* resembles business as usual. it is quietER but for sure not what the health officials and gov would hope. looking out has also made me think that while people do like their peace & quiet and therefor prefer to live on quiet residential areas, now is when they start possibly feeling anxious when its just silence 24/7 as they are self-isolating or in quarantine. at least thats the feeling i get from twitter and facebook. when we looked for this home, i specifically set out to find a place here i have a busy view as my life is largely spent at home as it is. people like different kind of views of course, but if you spend your day in a busy office and commuting, i guess a serene peaceful scene from your window makes even more sense. ive always preferred a busier atmosphere though. my childhood spent in the middle of nowhere, no siblings and no neighbours in sight, i always yearned to get in the middle of where everything happens. but im perfectly comfortable staying indoors and doing my thing as thats what im experienced in. conclusion: i was built for quarantine - provided i have my "view" and the internet. so i hope the networks or internet backbone dont get overcrowded any time soon.

me and doctor have been pretty content at home overall. we've been reading more books, played trivia yesterday, watched more tv than usual. im looking to catch up with friends over Skype or its modern successors in the following weeks. it seems that suddenly my friends have almost as much interest in catching up online as me. ive always been the eager communicator, and its easier as i work and spend time by the PC... but its nice that more friends are now showing more of that same interest back. honestly if in the next month(s) someone still has something better to do than send me a simple "whats up, how are you" message then fuck it. i get that im different in my needs, but there needs to be some reciprocation.

i am slightly worried about doctor returning to work. in spain 12% of corona patients in hospital are healthcare personnel. i assume they've had protective gear, although maybe not enough, much like here. it seems like healthcare staff get it despite precautions, and due to the "extreme" exposure they get it really bad when they do. i think a regular flu does not work like this - or does it? as in amount of exposure correlating with how bad you get it? i dont know.  doctor is fairly healthy and not that old of course but there are plenty of examples of colleagues falling victim to it just due to the extended exposure. the perhaps bigger worry is mental health of course. to some degree chaos and pressure is familiar to him from turkey where the conditions while very modern and efficient were pretty crazy due to number of patients. but then the pressure, lack of eveything and making decisions on lives will takes it toll and of course i am concerned how it will affect him after some weeks and months. we just have to live through this and get to the other side i guess.

we have 2 drawers like this and then some. no need to replish stock for a while. but i heard Sainsburys and tesco both have a "shopping hour" for NHS workers in the morning which is nice, cos some fresh produce would be appreciated...  take out foor is typically really cooked, fried etc so im missing fresh ingredients.

London Beer Factory had (has?) an offer for free home delivery on orders over 25£ so as we've npt been able to go shop and had no beer in house i decided to surprise doctor. yesterday when we both felt somewhat healthy it was time to chill with a few drinks :) 

quarantine lunch. almost vegan except for the cheese...  i got this fave bean meat replacement from helsinki and it was delicious with the pasta. 

time for a new puzzle!

positives from the past week:
-NZ legalised abortion (it was available but more difficult before)
-i think a lot of people are now taking the time to read and do other self-care that might carry on once this situation relaxes
-podcast Test Tribe Radio: AMA with James Bach. proper old school tester dishing out his opinions as well as knowledge.

Tiger King (link to Wired review) on Netflix was really entertaining. kind of like Don't F*** With Cats but with more going on in a way. i like it when its not just what u expect but peels like an onion.

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