September 15, 2024


i was in finland for over 2 weeks to attend a few work events. i enjoyed the long stay. sometimes i fantasize of longer stays. challenging to arrange as dr cant stay long due to his work and obviously it would be expensive too if i rented a place for a month or so.

one thing i like about AI chats is that they are very forgiving about typos. makes my life so much easier.

gillian anderson has become like an idol. confident & smart pro-sex middle aged woman... she has a book called Want coming out  where she (or someone) has collected anonymous womens fantasies - i am definitely interested.

i started listening to Art Thief by Michael Finkel which Paavo recommended. i like it, easy enough and up my alley.

i tend to bring chocolate from finland and hand it out to friends and acquintances. later i often get positive feedback, people say they were very pleasantly surprised. are they just being polite? i dunno, they bring it up spontaneously. if they are lying thats their problem. i feel very accomplished, even if all i did is bring the chocolate, its not like i made it. i hold on to my naive belief that finnish chocolate is some of the best around and so im going to keep spreading the wo...chocolate.


arttu came to stay with us yesterday. well, dr is still in Bosnia hiking but will get back in a few days so we can do something nice together.

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