i wanna see the last kiss. i like zach braff, plus the topic of course intrigues me altho it will probably have an annoying cheesy ending. from the the trailer i couldn't tell what the title refers to, hmm. it reads that we make choices... it's about learning a lesson or doing the right thing obviously.
alcohol is now officially the most common cause of death within the working age people in finland. it's passed by coronary heart disease. (source: HS 31.10.2006)
i've always had an issue with analyzing 'art', or novels for example. perhaps because i'm not any good at it? in high school we had to analyze novels in literature class...boy did i hate it and suck at it. "what does the aquarium symbolize in this story?" how about nothing? the teacher insisted that it symbolizes something. i sort of get the idea, like you're supposed to read between the lines and understand deeper meanings and shit, but i hate making up stuff like that, i think it's possible the aquarium is in the story merely because the writer thought that the main character should have a pet of some kind, and preferrably something quiet to reflect the characters nature. i always hoped we could give a call to the writer and ask wtf is the aquarium or whatever subject in case about, if anything. i know, i missed the point, analyzing wasn't about the absolute truth, otherwise someone would've asked the writer while they were still alive, and we'd talk about that instead. anyway, the whole analyzing thing left me with a trauma. now, that i get notes from college students or whatever, such as this:
"I study your photograph " grand piano" and i would like to know why the man is without shoes ? Thxs a lot if you take the time to answer ^^"
i get my revenge. "I DON'T REMEMBER WHY HE'S GOT NO SHOES! IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING!" *laughs hard* maybe i have no reason for laughing tho, my photo in case is not quite as well known as the fuckin novels we had to study in school....maybe that's cos the shoelesness doesn't mean anything but the aquarium did, the novel in other words has deeper meaning which is why it's a classic?
hmm, i hope this isn't complete bullshit.
i decided to start making videos! not videoblogs (just in case mnoo now thinks she got me into that too...), i don't want to see my face on video, nor my voice. it's a problem cos these cinematography students or whatever are making a documentary on me in december, i'm not sure how to deal with that. but back to the point, i guess blog doesn't have to contain face or voice but i won't do videoblogs! my videos will be about, err, stuff. can't figure out what exactly just yet....like, i have a feeling but i cannot put it into words. moving pictures aren't my thing to begin with, so this will be hard but oh well. i have the video option in my snapshot cammy but i never used it until yesterday. it was freaky. now i have to come up with more stuff to shoot.
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