November 07, 2006

typing is difficult with one hand. my left one is glued (not literally) to the cordless phone. some idiot keeps calling Kev's phone and lets it ring just once, and the number is unknown. pisses me off. so now i have my trigger finger ready on the button when it rings. i don't think if its of any use since they hang up anyway but i gotta do something!

the phone rang but it was a friend actually. i give up.

i think we'll(Kev) make some pancakes soon and then watch another movie. you'd think i could be lazy on a couch and watch movies back home too, but that's not true. canadian counches are way different from the finnish. AND i don't even have a couch at my place!

i bought this book yesterday...BITCHfest. from the bookstore. its a collection of articles that appeared in bitch-magazine...i never read it but the book seemed cool so i got it. i will give it to the Hard Core Feminist aka Miriam after reading...:) when and if i have anything thoughtful or less thoughtful to say about the book, i will. now, from feminism back to more important things like my tattoo....

i'm designing my tattoo and testing it. with a pen its not easy, but it gives a raw idea... its just that its black. i'm worried i'll get attached to seeing it and want it black instead of white as planned. i'll let it sink in for a day and then try another font... but this is pretty much what i originally had in mind, minus the proportions and size and a few other things...

we watched proof and agree it was a 5 (average). jake gyllenhaal was a hottie but i never liked gwyneth platrow. in the movie she was a total nutcase in my opinion. Kev felt that it was just her sister making her act weird. whatever, the movie didn't give anything(or much) and only took 1.5 hours of my life.

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