October 11, 2012

change 1.0

turkey is starting to get pissed. what other option does it have. these guys are bit of hot heads round here (middle east), they have pride and whatnot also, and u can only cool and educate yourself to a certain point, but when the neighbor is throwing around grenades day in and day out, eventually youll get pissed and react. there are speculations of course of whether someone else is throwing the grenades and trying to get turkey involved, ive heard all kinds of version of who is behind it. i dunno. but come on... 

to be honest i have so much stuff in my own mind right now that i cannot concentrate on their problems. that was probably always the case. anyway. too bad. i wish theyd give it a rest. i have an early morning weekly meeting to do, i cant dwell on this stuff. but i am wondering if we should really pay the rest of doctor's military pay-off money before they cancel that?

  • i want to use more parfume
  • i want to cook (a bit) more, not too sophisticated tho
  • i want to buy new clothes
  • i want my white skin back
  • i want to take more snap shots of everyday things
  • i want to try body hair laser treatment again 
  • i want to learn new stuff; like coding, testing & more turkish
  • i want to want things, because thats how we are programmed in the west, no? or are all humans like that? if not, at what point do they become like that? maybe thats worth studying? well, i was always into anthropology and humanistic studies :)
i want to go to bed and listen to soothing rainfall from my phone app in the hopes that it will help me sleep. 

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