November 14, 2012

soup, yes i do it

today i decided to give Garanti bank another try. i went there in the morning prepared to be turned away for any petty reason. however, in 32minutes, i had an account set up. and as it turned out later, a few insurances. i had heard from the doctor that banks do that, they have you sign so many papers in the end you have no idea, and he found out through his online banking that he had 3 insurances he absolutely had not wanted or needed. other people say the same. and more terrifying, that its hard to get rid of them - you call and cancel and they say yes ok - but after a year you notice you are still being charged for it. and what can you do? nothing. burasi türkiey - this is turkey. so anyway i come home and show doctor the papers i got and he goes like "fuuuuuuck", i have an insurance. we tried to call but of course at this hour and at this number it was not possible to cancel. anyway. the fight continues.

but back to creating a bank account. i dont have the exact number, but i made approximately 75 signatures. the contract itself was 62 pages, there was a page count. in turkey, signing every page is a 'thing'. then in addition there were several other papers, some requiring 2-3 signatures. papers just kept coming, and i just kept signing. whoever said u should never sign something u dont understand did not live in turkey AND try to get by. surely i know people who dont have a bank account, phone contract OR anything else after years in turkey, thats one way to try avoid hassle, sure.

tonight we were supposed to...not sure what, but we cooked creamy chicken veggie stew and then doctors colleague Can walked in and we ended up chatting over the dinner table all night. about medicine and the hospital mostly, of course. there are random guidelines and lack of them. there is a guy who is supposed to fill the shelves for missing ingredients and tools (wooden sticks, plastic gloves...), but it turned out he is not doing his job so well cos he CANT READ. his supervisor feels pity for him tho so he wont be fired nor transferred. and so on. it sounds scary to hear this stuff.

Top Chef 10 started. soup challenge. i cooked from a dry soup mix yesterday. and probably didn't even follow the instructions. then again who knows if i would understand them. i might if i tried hard. i know words and stuff. yeah i really need to go back to the turkish classes. the other day when i was at the bank trying to explain how my card got stuck in the machine and whether the money i tried to get was lost or what - that was pretty sad.

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