facebook crowd
im one of those people whose facebook "friends" are mostly just acquintances. or people ive long ago lost touch with or just met fairly briefly. ive often seen it questioned whether having fb contacts like this makes sense, but for me it does. i have nothing in common with my classmate from elementary school, but i enjoy seeing their posts (at least some of the time) and what they are up to. maybe they enjoy the same. well maybe not, since im almost dead by fb standards, i never post anything. anyway, it works for me. occasionally i see someone on my timeline i dont recall at all. i hate it when people change their names cos then im really confused. i need to go to their profile and look at the photos and see if we have common friends and then maybe i have a general idea. of course sometimes i drop some people i cant remember, or that in Marie Kondo's words 'dont spark joy'... that must be the only aspect of my life where i utilize that. so it occasionally seems contradictory as you are supposed to start deleting people in the order of "who u know the least" , i might drop someone i remember fairly well, and keep someone im not really sure how i have them on my fb, but i enjoy what they seem to be about and what they share. i dont really block people for having opposing views or such - im also lucky that maybe i dont have too many people posting a lot of crazy stuff. recently i made an exception and defriended someone i worked with in 2010 teaching english. we only met a few to a several times in passing, preparing materials for the classes, he was an older british gentleman. anyway since then ive followed him get married to his student, have a bay with her nd move to another country. recently he was posting super sexist misogynist stuff though and after thinking about it over during one day i dia a 'Marie Kondo' and decided to let him go. i can appreciate differing opinions, he's not first nor last person on my fb list to post sexist or dumb or conservative ideas... but for some reason i was like "fuck this". there was another 'case' a year ago, but i did not defriend this person. i thought about dropping him many times over a year or so... he is a russian guy i met in istanbul through a friend, and later in Australia once. nice guy. he started posting increasingly aggressive stuff about politics, all kinds of conspiracy theories... sounds like entertaining and once or twice it was. but it did get to me that he seemed so angry. i havent seen him around lately so maybe i just unfollowed him or he stopped posting.... i dont typically unfollow people either though, so i dunno.
lately i have mixed feelings about brexit. well not really i mean brexit is sh*it, but, ive found the silver lining which is the weak pound. my income is in euros and i transfer it here irregularly, so ive made a habit of following the currency exchange rates. and the deposit money for our flat is coming from both turkey and finland. so the weaker the pound... the better for us. the purchase process is moving so slow it seems like we have another month or two i guess...to choose the right time(s) for transfers. if there is a no deal brexit, i should hope this is drawn all the way there and we can enjoy the crashing pound! then again, if i was given the choice, i would choose Remain above anything, the benefit of the countrys future is in the long run better for me than a good exchange rate... but im trying to enjoy when pound is weak, and i try to enjoy when something else happens that gives me hope. like that tory MP defecting to Lib Dems today. not sure how to feel about general election if it comes in October; brexiters are behind tories but remainers are all over the place... labours, lib dems and greens. for the moment, i hope the confusion drops the pound further down...
lately i have mixed feelings about brexit. well not really i mean brexit is sh*it, but, ive found the silver lining which is the weak pound. my income is in euros and i transfer it here irregularly, so ive made a habit of following the currency exchange rates. and the deposit money for our flat is coming from both turkey and finland. so the weaker the pound... the better for us. the purchase process is moving so slow it seems like we have another month or two i guess...to choose the right time(s) for transfers. if there is a no deal brexit, i should hope this is drawn all the way there and we can enjoy the crashing pound! then again, if i was given the choice, i would choose Remain above anything, the benefit of the countrys future is in the long run better for me than a good exchange rate... but im trying to enjoy when pound is weak, and i try to enjoy when something else happens that gives me hope. like that tory MP defecting to Lib Dems today. not sure how to feel about general election if it comes in October; brexiters are behind tories but remainers are all over the place... labours, lib dems and greens. for the moment, i hope the confusion drops the pound further down...
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