August 31, 2006

oh, and another reason why i use both IE and firefox; when logged in somewhere, i might want to know what it looks like (userpage, website, blogspot) when i'm not logged in and with the other browser. in fact, if you create something and put it on the web, it's rather important to check it with diff. browsers. so what do all you firefox-only people do? oh, and what do u do when the flash/website/whatever just doesn't work properly on firefox? exactly my point. rather than complicated, it's smart ot use 2 browsers for comparison and to ease your life.

now, while i'm at it, here's a cool firefox extension i just started using; mouse gestures. with one quick move with the mouse the window closes :P

i get these notes/mails saying 'i want to model for you, if you ever come to Dubai/Palermo/Chicago let me know!'... i travel like twice a year, what are the fuckin odds that i'm going to Palermo Italy anytime soon? of course, you can not know how often i travel, but you shouldn't assume things either. do they think i'm in a different city every week? a pwrson needs to have some basis to write that. just because i hear someone i want to meet is having an exhibition in Prague doesn't make me write 'if you come to Hleisnki i want to meet you!'. if some day i will go to Palermo or Dubai or whatever, will i remember that email or note that i received in 2006? i dont't hink so. so it's completely useless. if a person follows my doings enough to know that i am now going to Canada, and that inspires them to tell me they are available for modelling in Kairo, they might as well just keep on following my journals/blogs to find out if one day in deed i am going in that direction.

the new issue of Astan has my interview and posters

i am referred to by my real name again. i really have to start making it clear that i rather go by my online nick. someone might call it an 'artist name' but let's not get extravagant here. what's cool tho is that Mark Benecke is in the same issue, as the cover says, 'the lord of the worms' :D right on.

i have plans to watch American Haunting tonight.

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