May 11, 2007

alrighty. my skin is really dry in parts, its partly my fault, i fall to bed too often without washing my make up off... now i'm taking extreme measures to correct the situation, with the help of Clinique's moisture surge extra. i will win this battle!

not sure if this feels like a friday. finding the flights to asia turns out to be real hard too... tonight is the impro theatre thing...and i noticed i don't have work on sunday after all. so that's my day off. tomorrow evening a co-worker holds a eurovision party, we'll watch the contest and drink and blah blah... i look forward to relaxing a bit. altho next week there's also the booze cruise, on wednesday. i think that'll be great!

in the morning i was listening Doris, loud.

"Mut Doris oli toisenlainen, Doris oli reissunainen,
hän näytti mulle miltä tuntuu,
kun saa maistaa omaa lääkettään.

Doris, Doris, sä veit mun sydämein.
Doris, Doris, tuo se pois takaisin,
sydäntäni vielä tarvitsen.

Mä Dorista tanssiin hain, ihan leikilläni vain,
koska Doris oli hyvännäköinen.
Minun piti viedä, mutta Doris veikin minut,
ja hetken aikaa olin onnellinen."
J Karjalainen:Doris

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