January 02, 2010

making strategies

i made a collaborative 00s playlist in spotify which im putting together now with a couple friends. electronic music and indie rock was very "00s" i think. in the states they have that RnB shit too, of course. coldplay, lady gaga, moby, linkin park.... that was it. anyway should be ready for release in a few days.

Eufemia held a birthday dinner party for Arttu, so i was there, and froze my face again returning home near midnight. it is very clearly a winter, no question. Eufemias dinner and the whole thing was tasty, i didnt sleep much last night and only woke up in the afternoon to attend to this, so when i arrived in the late afternoon i had my breakfast there; champagne & bruschetta with truffle on top. not bad for breakfast.

"30 freakiest commercials of 2009". some are interesting, like #27.

interesting map of europe, subsidized farmers union, meh land and no youtube land...

quickie new york is another tumblr blog -collection of erotic photography. some of it very neat.

i am starting to make a plan for myself for this year, or say first half first. i dont want to put everything out here, but i really need to (=want to) finish that english teaching certificate thing for one. Miriam and her friend Tobi whom i met in Budapest are going to sweden for midsummer, and i hope in a couple months i could decide whether i could join them. but there is quite a few places there that i would like to see besides the bloody sweden...

this raisin bran crunch ad is absolutely looovely.

from FMyLife:
"Today, my boyfriend called my cell. I picked up and said "Hi, this is Lisa and I want you to fuck me raw". It was my dad. He was at my boyfriend's parent's house and forgot his phone. FML"

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