August 04, 2010

setting my mind and lipgloss to teach

one of the hardest things for me to learn about teaching is that unlike in other jobs ive had, i cant expect thing to go perfectly. of course the world is never perfect but in this area especially, learning is not an excel program adding things up. the students are never going to all learn every word and structure perfectly, its just not possible. its easy to understand it if i think of learning in general, my own learning especially. but i always take jobs as such a perfection task, and i have trouble remembering it doesnt work. i sometimes keep blaming myself if the students are not perfect(ly learning what i just taught them). but how could they? its not humanly possible. i need to find a good middle ground in which i still keep trying to be a better teacher and adjust my teaching methods to better suit the students, but not get depressed if they cant grasp it all at once, or ever. if my students in a class get an average of 85 or 90 (out of 100) from a quiz or exam, its actually pretty well. i was usually not the best student either, yet i learned quite enough.

now, i need to go to work. i have a new nude color (what a racist color description OMG!) new short skirt with some lace and stuff, and a white buttoned shirt, and of course heels to top it off. nice make up will make me happy and i am ready to teach a few cool things!

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