March 02, 2011


some of the things i enjoyed reading or seeing today.

one of those youtube videos of Hitler getting upset. this time, i have to say i agree with him on a few things...(in finnish) Hitlerin Midi ongelma

death, taxes, heartbreak a blog entry or aticle of sort. i just found it a really one. i have to agree.

another finnish one, a blog post about making choices (which the writer nor me want to make at Subway, and hence, avoid the place). also some deeper analysis of choosing which i can associate with ; älkää pakottako valitsemaan.

a blog post on Feministe got me rolling my eyes big time... some politicians.. uh; Dear Rep. Franklin: I submit my used tampon as evidence.

one of the writers of Mad Men and United States of Tara; Tracy McMillan, wrote a post that i guess deserved my Idiot Of The day -Prize..."Why youre not married" (because i am a slut, liar, bitch and i forgot the rest, thats why. thanks Tracy for opening my eyes?)

instructions on building a shoe shelf :)

a linked i clicked on and chuckled. "understanding women - muslim marriage tips & advice" then....oops i think there is some truth in there. (between the musicals in the beginning and end that i skipped) i didnt think id find myself watching MUSLIM MARRIAGE ADVICE....

i ran into Clarisse Thorn's blog and found it really nice and easy to read. interesting and smart commentary on feminism and sexuality and whatnot... such as this one.

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