March 05, 2012

onion for night snack.

new dark pink shoes arrived in mail! yes.

other than the shoes, its lonely. today is doctor's home-night but he didnt get home until in the afternoon and informed me by sms to not wake him up. he needs to sleep 15h straight in order to get up again early tomorrow...   soooo. i try to be quiet. i did want to try the newly installed dishwasher though. there was like 2 months worth of dishes, i had to manage them one way or the other! (and washing by hand wasnt really an option). the dishwasher works, thats a good sign. and its not super loud.

the dishwasher took its time (forever). but damn. beautiful work.

i get unhappy if there is no soda (carbonated drinks) in the house. i prefer them citrus based and with aspartame.

well, it doesnt happen often.

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