July 08, 2013

shopping. sorta...

Capulcu free market! it was just as hippie and merry as i expected. if not better. clothes, books, kitchen stuff. Carilyn and i hung around, the weather was warm - a bit too warm - but we had a good afternoon i believe.

LGBT org had their own table there too. with some Tom of Finland pics lying around.

this kitty enjoyed the market spirit too.

i took some clothes over to the market, ive been piling things i dont need or use anymore. or ever did. its kinda sad i had clothes with price tags still on...

i was surprised i came back with clothes as well. maybe i shouldnt be. erm. this "LOVE" t-shirt was cute with its kitschy roses. 
ive never been fond of tube style dresses like this. and i almost felt bad taking it with me as i thought it wouldnt look very good on me, but it does look ok. what a find! perhaps i should take it on the Thailand trip.
this looked like a long shirt first but i decided its definitely a dress. its a bit worn out but still looks fine - and i looove the pattern & colors. its a bit tent-like (the downsides of being short...) so i should use a belt i guess, cant glue my hand on my waist...

gah, some clothes just dont photograph well! at least when your stretching your arm trying to take a self portrait with your pocket camera...  but its a shame cos this dress is pretty amazing. black courderoy, by Sisley. again i was pretty pessimistic but took it with me cos it looked so gothic, in a nice office kinda way. but it fits like a glove, im just sad i need to wait until fall or winter to wear it. and i need to shorten the sleeves. more downsides to being short.
 dress looks better here. 

this somewhat cargo style skirt caught my attention right away. it fit me perfect, i think its one of my new favorites.

2 tops. a girl can never have too many tops. especially in warm climates.

in general, i have been feeling a bit lost lately :( like, identity crisis, or something :(

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