March 07, 2014


the news yesterday this morning seem grim again;
Erdogan is hinting at banning Facebook and Youtube, by Reuters. the news came out here last night, and none of this s**t even surprises me anyway...:/   Iran, here we come. except i think just a few days ago someone in Iran hinted at opening acess to FB again.
the rotten state of the turkish media by Hürriyet (not that much news value but well sumeed up)
pro-gov newspapers printing the same news on the same day...word for Radikal
Turkey & Istanbul heading for a dry summer by DW - its just that elections are coming up and no one wants to admit there is a big problem.
two academics expelled from Turkish university for joining the Gezi protests by Today's Zaman

oh well, at least the internet is still working (although the law to monitor every click was passed), so here's
buzzfeed's inspirational posters, to start the day off with the right attitude

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