July 20, 2014

they are rubbing me the wrong way again

so far this summer i have not swum in turkey. the closest beaches are on the islands...which is not too bad, 50-60min by a ferry, but none of those seem really "good enough". either they are loud beach clubs with a high entrance fee and overpriced drinks/food, or they are cheap pebble stone beaches with no toilet no nothing. ok so i see you need to pay for a sandy beach in turkey (not just on the islands), but as the price goes up, so does the volume, typically. and u need to be careful when to go, they are packed on the weekends. if a beach was actually calm AND quiet, i think i would dish out the money, once or twice in a summer.

i have 2 'groundhog day-ish' movies on my watchlist now; Edge of Tomorrow and Premature. so, a Tom Cruise action (eh...) and a teenage comedy. but i really like the groundhog theme! i recently saw Transcendence which was thought provoking too, it wasnt as simple as it seemed on first look.

i just got home from meeting friends (Nilla, Umut etc), i guess im old but the bar just got too loud and full...eh. and i was thinking i dont want to have regrets tomorrow. i had a nice evening all in all so i thought it was time to leave. anyway, so i come home and there is another flood, yet again. so much for whatever fuckin fix the plumbing company did last time...  im getting really tired of this...     at least the water didnt get very far as the floor is slightly tilted, so its contained just barely inside the kitchen. the corridor has a wooden floor, already damaged from the previous floods...

Arka Oda bar tonight;

maybe it doesnt fully transmit the "sardines in a can" feeling... maybe it was just me?

turkish spices in a grocery store; kekik is both thyme AND oregano! world class translation, once again...  for the record, kekik is thyme. oregano is an unloved child with many names nonetheless (bilye kekik, güveyotu, izmir kekik, keklikotu...). i had to go to a special spice shop to find some.

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