November 27, 2014

my first world probs, part VIII

my hair struggle has been hard. it grows so fast, i realize super short is not for me...  i cannot be stressing about the cut AND the dye constantly. i managed the control thing, when i understood that after wash, i need to comb the hair in its place. after drying, it just requires some texturizing matte wax (Osis Mess Up). but still, the style i got a cut like 3 weeks ago, and was happy....for a few days, or a week. i need to find a look that is decent for at least 2-3 weeks.

my straight out of bed look is now decent hair wise, just the cut is off:
yeah its messy, but this was before i figured how to tame it:

but i will work on it. ive been googling...   i think i need to shave off the right side as short as the bottom half of it is. then let it grow evenly... maybe 1-2cm long. but i still dont know how to connect it with the long side....

i remember 10yrs ago, or when i had my looong hair, smiling at friends who were always in the middle of a hair process. growing the hair for some specific style, nothing was ever exactly good...ive now become one of those women. its a trap...

this is thanksgiving week in the US so i have a couple of parties to attend to this week. its good, although i could take a break from all that for a while...i was gonna say maybe next week, but doctor and i decided to have a party at our place then...  Atice said she would co-host and be in charge of the food. saturday next week also happens to be finnish independence day, so. i guess the party is happening. bring on the stress...

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