October 27, 2006

fiiiiinally back "home". last night i was trying my best to log on to write something, like "in new york and wasted", but alas, i was too wasted to get there. i woke up on Dave's couch and was badly hungover. after waking up i had to rush to the airport. and now it's 9pm and i still don't feel all that good. needless to say the day was long and painful. at least Kev came to pick me up from Buffalo and i didn't have to take the bus back.

so let's see what's happened... on monday my bf left back to south carolina...and i went to Dave's (someone i found online). he had 2 dogs and a cat... his ex picked up the dogs later tho. Dave works for the New York Times and when he got back home from work after midnight he brought a 'test' print of the paper with him, it was kinda fun to read the coming day's news. and i've never really read american newspapers anyway. in the morning i had a cruel wake up cos i had to catch my train to Kingston, Rhode Island. realitysquared picked me up from the station and i then spent 24 hours with him in Newport. Newport then... that's a chapter of it's own. it's like this small coastal town...by the atlantic obviously. the state and area is mostly untouched, healthy nature in its full fall bloom. now, i'm not usually a person to even mention nature, but it's so different from most of what i've seen in north america, and a big factor in the athmosphere of the place. so, small town by the coast, very old, very rich looking. mostly just white wooden houses, mansions and the bay full of yachts. this is where the elite spends their summers and spent them already 100 yrs ago. the fancy old mansions and little gift shops by the streets talk their own language. and sooo many cute little old hotels. everything was clean and in good shape, it was simply a pretty summer holiday paradise. seemed kind of conservative too but realitysquared was guessing that the state mostly votes democrats. anyway, he was my boss when i used to work for Policy Violation Administration of dA. we don't know each other that well, so it was perhaps a little odd from my side to decide to go all that way to meet him. i just felt like it. realitysquared is on dA this authority figure that scares most people shitless, kind of a stone faced image and he doesn't say much and rarely jokes, it's all 'business'. i find that nice though, it makes a person easy to work with and reliable. anyway so we had a decent time, he showed me around and stuff, the experience as a whole was simply really interesting. maybe cos i went there from new york, from all that traffic and 'stuff'...shopping and action and marketplace feeling...center of the western world of some sort...and only 3 hour trainride to the north takes me to such a different world. realitysquared himself is kind of different too...very non-american in being so quiet and somewhat reserved. those are finnish qualities so i feel very comfortable with it, it's just so different from all the other people that i meet around here. the beach had tons clam shells and the view was actually beautiful, i can see how it would attract people, although i can't really imagine myself vacationing in Newport. but well, i just did, for a day. i got a suite in a hotel that was on top of a green hill, and i had windows on 3 walls, from which i could see the town below and the sea. regardless of my usual lack of interest in these things the view did impress me.

so i then got back to the beehive known as NY and went back to Dave's. a lot of apartments there don't have space for a washing machine or the plumming and waterpipes cannot handle such stuff so people have to wash their clothes at a laundromat... quite horrible to be honest. u put your clothes in a box or bag or whatever, even if the weather sucks, and walk to a laundromat (hope its close by!) and but them in the machine and wait and then put them in the dryer and wait again. thinking about it, since u have to buy the detergents from the place, how do affect the smell your clothes have? do u buy a separate clothing-spray? for me the smell that a specific detergent has means a lot...cos all my clothes will carry it. oh well. i'd expanded my drinking challenge to americans and Dave invited me to go for dinner and some drinks with his friend Levi. (pics below). so i go, the chinese was good, the drinks were good (i was on my usual straight vodka diet), i had a good time, today less so. i recall we hit a gay bar last, back home they're kinda trendy and full of all kinds of people but this was really... gay. i was the only girl, and there were only toilets for men. the doors could not be locked, lol. i enjoyed the athmosphere though. and i admit the americans did quite well with the drinking, maybe i underestimated them?

travelling is so hard on me. altho i really want to do it. when i get back home i usually feel dirty and like i've neglected myself. altho i carry all the skincare stuff with me, i don't really get around to using them and end up with bad skin, but maybe even more than that i just feel bad. so that's the downside of travelling, don't feel very fresh during or after it.

apparently fake alcohol kills about 42 000 russians each year. only russians can fuck up that bad. woa that was borderline offensive. but the numbers speak for themselves.

fun youtube video

funny finnish shit on youtube

the Seaview hotel in Newport, RI. in the middle, above the entrance, is the suite, windows on all 3 sides :)

view from the livingroom of my suite. there's the town and the sea. and the flag, naturally.

the beach.

i'm breaking my not-showing-face policy here. on the side is Levi and Dave in the back.

Dave's kitty; Hilary

JetBlue. passengers getting off and me trying to watch Runway. i was forced to walk away just like 2 minutes before they announced the season 3 winner!!!!!!!!!! well, i never watched the program until on this flight but for me that's enough to get hooked, i want to finish what i started. if i ever had a fav airline besides Finnair, JetBlue would be it. i was simply very happy with their relaxed attitude... ("we're going to make the flight today real short, i believe we can squeeze it into an hour...but let's make it an hour and 1 minute. now let's have a great flight up to Buffalo!" [it's an 1h 15min flight]). not to mention the tv :)

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