October 28, 2006

saturday. hungry. just called my dad. their family has 2 rats, 2 mice, 2 birds, 2 dogs and a cat. they live in the suburbs, and there's an animal hater in the neighborhood, so all animals wondering outside live in the risk of being poisoned or butchered. the cat came home one morning seriously injured, and died. hard to say what happened but u can make wild guesses. and they just got a new cat. i don't understand it. i don't know exactly what goes on in the head of a cat but somehow i don't think its funny to be chased around by dogs in your home, the previous cat grew up to be super shy and frightened. what kind of life is that? the dogs managed to kill her two litters too.

would be great if i could read books in the shower or bath. why don't they have a solution for that yet?

the Marine Corps have their yearly ball in the US in 2 weeks and had invited Tito Ortiz as a guest of honor. what they didn't think of is who'd he bring with him. when the station officials heard he was coming with his gf Jenna Jameson, they asked him not to. he then said he would not come at all. understable. but how prude is that, how "good" and sacred are they as they cannot have a porn star attend their ball? the marines would prolly more like to see Jenna than Tito anyway. and as someone pointed out, it's weird how killing people is a decent career, but having sex for living is not. hypocrites.
(source: marinetimes.com, full article here)

i need to wash my hair. and find food.

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