October 28, 2006

this stuff is fairly funny.

last night Kev picked me up from Buffalo, and as we were driving in silence through the rough, worn out industrial neighborhood he said "what a fuckin shithole". priceless. i have to agree tho. the place looked like Beirut. i guess that's all i have to say about Buffalo, but they do have a very nice NHL team.

i'm testing my halloween nurse outfit and it's scary, i almost lean back when standing, thinking it'd keep the hemline below my ass, but no such luck. also, what i hadn't noticed before is that the dress is really transparent so everyone's invited to see my underwear...uh huh. Kev suggested i just wear underwear that i don't mind people seeing. i don't mind showing the underwear, but no panty covers all of the ass and u can see the ass cos the dress is so short! i need to go buy sporty panties that cover stuff... also i have a shoe problem, what would match a white nurse dress? :( the african kids are lucky to not have to battle with issues like this!

i think i'll order some more books now. my shopping cart:
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature
The last dance: Encountering death and dying
Hunting Humans
Base Instincts: What Makes Killers Kill?
November of the Soul: The Enigma of Suicide
Leaving You: The Cultural Meaning of Suicide

looks heavy, suicides and killers. can't change my ways.

when my bf got back to school, the first thing Brandi, the girl we met in NYC, said was "I didn't realize you were dating a goth". uh. devastating. i mean, who cares...but still, i look fairly 'normal'...with pink t-shirts and all, and i get the goth thing all the time. i'll say whose goth... canadian squirrels, they're all black.

i saw aeon flux today. hehe. i knew it was really bad but yet i was slightly surprised. i mean it was REALLY bad. haven't seen such crap in years. but, it was easy to watch, i don't mind bad movies usually.

my bf is asking me on which basis am i going to vote in the march election (no idea what election). aaaand we end up in the same discussion as always before, on healthcare and outsourcing and all that jazz. i think we've quite well covered taxes already (several couple hour session on this topic) so no need to get into that. i get so fired up and so fast its not even funny. i have all these opinions and i think i am absolutely right.

watched 2 episodes of House as well. Chase fucked Cameron! (still watching season 2...) hehe.
Dr. Chase: "When two people have had sex, unless it sucks, if they can do it again, they're gonna do it again. And that's when things get complicated. And it didn't suck."

Dr Wilson put it well when he said
(first Cameron said "Kids love him, and he's not who they think he is. It's not right.")

"Who cares if he's what he says he is? Who the hell is? If love's based on lies, does that mean it's not a real feeling? Doesn't it bring the same pleasure?"

i agree with that.

wtf my head is sorta aching? pre-halloween stress?

i got the book Drowning People in the mail, i'd forgotten all about how i'd ordered FICTION in the whim of the moment. in fact, i first thought it was a mistake, for why would i order a fiction book by some Richard Mason i'd never heard of? on the back of the book it reads "My wife of more than forty-five years shot herself yesterday afternoon...". explains it, sounds like me. altho, theres plenty of fiction like that i'm sure, when u can invent things u can pretty much write anything, but i'm interested in reality. very much so. don't know why. but i guess i wanted to make an exception...

i need to go to sleep this headache off. my first choice would be painkillers but the bed is closer than the painkillers :S i'll prolly see dreams of Miriam who kindly sent me photos of herself tonight. i miss her.

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