November 03, 2006

i ran into a book called The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion. i think that's a pretty bold name for a book, even i wouldn't name my book such. then again i didn't write it either. and i ain't gonna read it. subject is semi-interesting but the title is a turn-off. then again, i am surprised the writer isn't dead already.

Ketonen & Myllyrinne humor on youtube (AA-kerho)
Ketonen & Myllyrinne humor on youtube 2 (mörkö)

so i'm thinking about my trip, which has so far been officially somewhat of a failure cos i haven't done shit... thanks to being emotionally fucked, anxious, lazy and whatever... but retarded people are not called retarded either, they're special. so, maybe i should adapt a new way of thinking and instead of thinking that my trip is a failure, think that it's special... (but seriously, it's not that bad, i've never been the active type. so nevermind, my trip is okay :)

i'm going to Toronto on saturday, staying overnight until sunday. but first i have to deal with friday. jesus fuck. i don't want to deal with anything now. i need caffein to even move my fingers. if i plan on doing something useful tomorrow i need extra caffein. what does that mean? hmm. i guess that i'm addicted to caffein? serious. is this much apathy a sign of depression? fuck it. whatever. i'm off to bed.

Tucker Max's worst hook up ever - worth reading

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