November 28, 2012

3 days to go

turkey is famous for men with moustaches. an article i saw today reminded me of the political meaning of moustaches here. the moustache (and beard) signal how a person is politcally oriented.  makes me wonder about those poor guys who dont have significant facial hair, not enough to express themselves...  :(
Globalposts's article on turkish moustaches
Hürriyet Daily: facial hair in turkish politics
BBC news reporting turkish moustaches

putting my doctor on the map, his style seems to say "leftist intellectual". i dont think he would disagree with that.

its good his hospital allows moustaches (and earrings on men), in many  government jobs its banned. but depends largely on the specific institution and their culture. 

hoarding is interesting, i like watching documentaries and tv show about hoarders. i am not a problem hoarder but i dont like throwing things away either. leaving helsinki was good as i had to throw stuff away. and my childhood home especially back in '96, i had tons of stuff there.

in my childhood home i also had "interesting stuff" like a skyscraper (1+ meters tall) built from empty Marlboro packs. hmmmm.

great recipe app for the "cooking disabled" Big Oven. u can start by choosing your leftover ingredients, which is often the situation i am at. also, in recipes, when u choose how many to serve, the amount if ingredients changes. perfect for the math challenged too!

3 day of work left. im pretty excited. i also got the project job last weekend from the mobile app developer, so now im working on the user interface stuff of the app and it's management system (backend) in the evenings. i find it really refreshing and inspiring somehow.

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