July 28, 2022

from this summer

interesting article on MP’s pushing menopause to be a protected characteristic. as im headed that way myself it does make me think. 

american men are getting vasectomies after Roe. good. cos women usually don't have a choice - we have to fight lond and hard for our sterilisations.  cos how would women know what they want... uff. im glad i got mine in turkey, while i could.

started watching How to Build a Sex Room on netflix, expected it to be patronizing poop and i mean, it is very light easily digestable entertainment, but there are some fun ideas. now we want a neon sign on our bedroom wall. yeah, we dont have an extra room to spare, bedroom is it. 

why are laundry baskets all small? like 30x40x50cm seems to be the standard size?! u cant even fit the sheets from one bed in that, where do people put their sheets and towels because it's not like they fit in these fucking things? we need a need laundry basket and its hard, it needs to be 100L imo to be useful. 

i love My Feet Are Killing Me. doctor is not interested. but ive always been interested in foot stuff (but not in that way). i liked taking care of them in cosmetologist school and after. the show features a lot of congenital issues, tumours, arthiritis, unusual keratosis...  it's just all fascinating to me. 
i like how the guest room lamps make this pattern around. i would like to see more of this.

i was at Lobos for tapas with Ceri and Anni. its under the railtrack and looking at a church so quite a cool location. Anni is moving back to finland soon so im "losing" yet another london friend...

i kinda hate videos. i used to dislike podcasts/audio as well until i found good combinations and situations for them, like while commuting, doing a puzzle etc. but videos are still annoying, esp those youtube videos everyone raves about. ive watched many of course, for various reasons. movie scenes that i wanted to check, interviews, how to remove bathtub drain, etc. but most things people want to watch a video for, i really rather read. must be a control thing too, i wanna get the info i wanna get, without the "hey guys, welcome back to my channel, so today im gonna be showing you different iphone features which are A,B,C;D..... and im going to show how to use them and..." like, i just wanna know how to record the iphone screen as video, NOW. i dont mean to poop on helpful youtube videos, people mostly do find them helpful so its lovely. live and let live. doctor LOVES youtube. i was just reminded of my video hate when i opened a TED talk link on my phone. so its on youtube and unless the browser is active, the video wont play. so while i wanna listen to it, i cant do anything else with my phone in the meanwhile. there must be a solution to this, its bullshit that i should stay on the browser tab to keep the video going?! 
okay ive googled the solution, it involves using the desktop version of youtube on chrome. what a hassle though. but will help me when i really want to listen to something i guess.

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